Community Outreach
One function of Mounted Search and Rescue is to create positive public relations within the community. We show up when asked by the Boulder County Sheriff to interact with and educate the public about the ways our volunteers help when needed, and also teach them how to help themselves during disasters and how to prevent accidents if possible.
Emergency Preparedness Clinic
Following the devastating Marshall Fire, we recognized the need for area horsemen, horsewomen and barn managers to have guidance in creating realistic and effective evacuation plans for their animals. We offered a free clinic to all which was hosted by the Boulder County Fairgrounds.
National Night Out
National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances. In Boulder County, the towns of Superior, Niwot and Lyons participated.
Citizens Academy
The Boulder County Sheriff’s Office hosts a 24-week citizens’ academy for area residents. Participants receive information on different aspects of law enforcement work in a class room setting, as well as having several hands-on learning opportunities. This is a chance to gain a better understanding of the role law enforcement plays in our community. Mounted Search and Rescue presented during the evening about Emergency Services, and provided a horse along with SAR gear for the citizens to view and inspect.